Sep 16Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Yes!! Self-care is so important! This was a beautiful reminder. I appreciate you sharing this.

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Thank you so much Lori, agree.

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Weirdly, starting writing on Substack earlier this year coincided with me going to the dentist and to the hairdresser for the first time since before Covid. The timing suggests self-care boosted my creativity!

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Hi Wendy, Thank you for this. I feel how this is all related, connected and a boost to meeting all of who we are as creative beings. Thank you!

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This… ‘Remember burden is never yours or mine to carry.

We do not have to wait until teeth fall out, legs break, memory fails — we can adult ourselves with tender self-care — with friending.’ Such a gift of love it is to become your own best caretaker. ❤️

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Yes the place that burns inside calling us back to love.

Thank you for mirroring this.

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I am attending to myself by writing!

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I was interrupted then by a 23 year old who drifted in to chat after checking on her baking. Here’s the rest of that thought, resurrected: thank you for your encouragement to do self care by example.

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Yes, dear Mary. I take care of myself by writing also. I am lucky to have a dog who nudges me out of my seat to stop the part that isn't writing. Sending you awesome self-care.

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Hello EKB thank you so very much for restocking this post. I really appreciate you.

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Sep 15Liked by Prajna O'Hara

I feel like a “dentist snob.” I go 3 times a year. 🤷‍♀️😁 And now that I don’t have little children any more, I go to the bathroom alone. 🤣 silly me!

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Yes Lila yes yes yes to Ila 🌹♥️🦋💥

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I avoided the dentist for so many years because I always felted shamed by them when I told them I don’t brush my teeth twice a day and I don’t floss very often. I’ve finally found a dentist with dental hygienists who are much more understanding and while of course they still tell me I should floss more they do it in a much more supportive way. For example “try flossing at least one a week” or “keep floss at your desk and floss in the middle of the day”. I still have a hard time actually going it, but the grace they give mw with my imperfect dental habits has made the visits much easier to attend.

I wish you luck and healing with your trip and procedure’s! 💕

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Sep 16Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Oh Gosh, Laura, I so get it. There are so many ways to encourage change without making someone feel like a failure. There are areas in my life that can use some attention for sure. And if I manage to do so, I celebrate even the tiniest of wins.

Today, I am celebrating that I hung up the stack of clothes that somehow gathered together on the armchair in my room. Even gave myself a pat on the back. 💝🌳

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Yes! 👏 I celebrate any time I actually finish a load of laundry all the way to put away. I don’t know why it always feels so hard. Neurodivergency for you I guess. 🤣

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Sep 17Liked by Prajna O'Hara

I went through a long period a couple of years back, and I was quite dysfunctional. Dishes would stay in the sink for days. I would look at them, knowing I needed to attend to them (I’d been OCD, and such an elderly person for so long), but no matter what, I simply could not make myself do so. Loads of clean laundry became my bedmate. I have no idea what all of that was about…except it felt like my brain was energetically being rewired on a daily basis. It still happens from time to time.

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This is relatable. I was also a very tightly wrapped organized. Get everything done. Push push push kind of person until I broke my leg and I haven’t been quite as functional since.

It feels like a very important reorganization, and I think part of it has to do with menopause being finished and getting older. Caring less about certain things and more about others.

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Sep 17Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Ahhhh! Wow! Thanks for this insight, Prajna. Lands in an open heart. I’m also reading “Wise Power.” It’s helping to create a container of understanding for some of the otherwise unusual things going on with me. If I were of the nature to simply allow it all, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. But it has often felt like layers of flesh being stripped from me. Maybe a sign of how tightly I was bound by it all, which would make sense having been on a tight schedule for so long, with a large family - making sure nobody’s needs fell through the cracks but mine. Now the 8 are all thriving, mostly, and Now it is MY time!

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Sep 17Liked by Prajna O'Hara

“Orderly” person, not elderly, though that’s ok too.

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😂 dentist snob! I look forward to the day I get to go to the bathroom alone. I still have people talking to me through the door.

Life is a journey thank you for humor

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You reach my heart and strike my awe every time. Thank you.

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Dear Kathy, thank you so much for these kind and generous words. It asked me to ask someone else.

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That was a talk to text typo because my phone thinks I have marbles in my mouth, but I meant to say @kathy it awes me to awe you!

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I guess it might be time to go to the dentist. I try to go once every ten years.

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I haven’t been in so long I can’t even recall when last time was

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oh good. I'm not the only one.

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You sound like me. It’s never too late for anything. I always prefer having a second opinion about everything so check it out my friend.

Thank you for your comment

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Good idea, Abigail. We have to remember we in control of our bodies and then includes our teeth.

Thank you for your comment .


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Sep 15Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Good words🙏

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