
Hi Stephanie,

Thank you so much for reading. Iโ€™m glad that you resonate. I mean I knew that you would as I read your pieces. Yes crone is a powerful word.

I think the more that people use it and hear it the negative connotations will pass


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You are so welcome. Thank you for reading. I appreciate it so much.

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Reading this piece was delightful in so many ways. I stand with you in reclaiming and reinventing what "crone" means. For a time, I wanted to replace the word crone with the word creatrix, which means a woman who makes things, but recently I've begun to re-imagine the word crone. I know that crones carry a strong and forceful energy -- we've been culturally and personally denied our saltiness.

A woman who is salty is one who refuses to accept her assigned place in the world, she creates her own place and that makes her seem dangerous. (i.e., Donald is afraid to debate Kamala -- he is no match for her "dangerous" crone energy.) Here's to dangerous, disagreeable older women who are immersing in the power of the crone and not taking anymore sh*t from the tired old trope of patriarchal rules for women.

While women are going through this transition of embracing their crone, I sense that men are going through a similar initiation, divorcing themselves from what's been called toxic masculinity and aligning themselves as sages, a compliment to our crone.

This political season has created a vast context for us to redefine, reinvent and reclaim the crone and you can see women everywhere rising to the occasion. I love your writing, Prajna. You speak truth and it resonates loud and strong. BTW, my grandma was my first crone encounter too. Her name was Julia and she lives on in my heart and continues to give me good counsel.

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I love the name Salty Crone! I think of Salty as Sassy. Years ago (15?) a friend was approaching 50 and we were talking about what to do for her birthday and I said a croning! Which Iโ€™d heard of but didnโ€™t really know anything about; I just liked the sound of it. She was horrified and did NOT want to be thought of as a crone. 50 may be young for a croning anyway. I decided to wait until 60 for mine but now Iโ€™m 61 and still donโ€™t feel like Iโ€™ve reached crone-hood. I guess itโ€™s not an age, but a state of mind. At any rate, Crone to me means Wisdom. We have so much to learn from those who have gone before. I guess Iโ€™m old enough to be one of those who has gone before now, but I still have so much to learn. Maybe at this stage of life I keep learning and growing, and at the same time I share what I can with those who come after. At the very least, I can give them examples of what not to do LOL.

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Hey MsJamie, I love all of this. Thank you for reading. I think we are officially croning it together.

I've had the same experience of the eck at the term crone.

" I guess itโ€™s not an age, but a state of mind. At any rate, Crone to me means Wisdom."

Exactly - old enough to know better and to do what you want โ€” outside of constraints.

So good to meet you!

I love your substack and hope others find your healing tools and deep life.

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So good to meet you too! Iโ€™m looking forward to following your journey!

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Thank you!

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I love the name Salty Crone, Prajna. My son often uses the word โ€˜saltyโ€™ in the sense of cool, a bit spiky, interesting. Itโ€™s a good word.

My late mum had a lot of wisdom. Reading this makes me think of her. And yay for Abigail Thomas. Iโ€™m introducing her wonderful books (and Substack) to friends and family.

I like the sound of your nana. Downtown is a great theme tune! One of my favourites when I was a child.

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Yes to @abigailthomas

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Hi Wendy,

Thank you. I hope you write about this.

Yes, downtown was a big hit. I still hear it in my backmind.

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Hey Wendy

Thatโ€™s great. Thanks for sharing about your son and your mom. Maybe you can write about her sometime.

I have lots of stories about my mom. She was definitely a crone.

Thank you for reading and commenting .


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Aug 3Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Love this ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

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Thank you for reading Mr. Ma, I am glad you like it. Best to you!

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Aug 4Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Prajna this writing is so beyond transcendent, it goes deep and shows the beauty residing there.

My heart swells and grows bigger reading your writing.

It means so much to my depth.

I KNOW you paid a high price for this wisdom.

Prajna, it pierces the heart of all who read it.


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Hello Kat,

Thank you so much for reading this and for your ongoing kindness and support

I appreciate you very much

Have a beautiful Sunday

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Thank you for coming out Salty Crone and inviting us into this wonderful and healing space! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿงก

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Hello Nature

Thank you so much. Youโ€™re always welcome into my world. Itโ€™s quite fun.


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That was just great, Prajna!!!

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Thank you so much sweet one ๐Ÿง

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