This this so much Prajna. I will attempt to answer the prompts, we'll see how it goes.

The hardest thing to stay with is: My 12 year old son. He is on the autism spectrum, so traveling with him is challenging. My husband did all the driving, we had a car in NYC, which made it easy to take day trips and spend time together as a family. When he died in 2021, I sold our car (driving makes me really anxious) and we stopped leaving the city. My son has generalized anxiety and separation anxiety so it's hard to leave him with a babysitter, but it's harder to stay and not have a night to myself every once in a while. I rent a hotel room for a night once ever couple of months and treat myself to a night alone. I order room service, there are no meals to cook or dishes to wash.

The easiest thing to leave is: My old life, the one I shared with my husband. My world shriveled up to the point nothing fit me anymore. I quit my job, I moved to a different neighborhood in Manhattan, and then I moved again last year, just a few blocks away. The truth is, my husband was home for me, and I've been searching for my next safe place since he died. It's taken me almost 3 years to realize home is within me, but it sure is lonely. I hope your trip is everything you want it to be, and I wish you safe travels 🥰

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Wow, Amy, thank you so much for this powerful and thoughtful response to the questions

That is a lot and it is great to learn more about you. It turns out we have a great deal in common, but I was never married so I don’t have a husband who died. I am sorry for your loss.

I do understand the challenges with children and the need to rent a hotel room every now and then

Good for you !!!

Thank you again for your good wishes !

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Gosh Amy, what an honor to read your words; to witness your life as you share it so openly. You make me want to be braver in my story-telling; remind me that being ‘real’ & ‘human,’ is the most beautiful mirror; the highest aspiration.

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Hi Colleen

Thank you so much. I’m not sure if these words are for me or for Amy but either way they are appreciated. I love being on this writing journey with you.

Best wishes until next time


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Thank you Colleen for this beautiful feedback. We each come to the table with our own childhood trauma, and wounds we are trying to heal. You are brave enough and you have nothing to prove to anyone. When/if you feel ready to share more, you will. I have no doubt about that. XO 🥰

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Aug 16Liked by Prajna O'Hara

"you are the executive producer of all things visible and invisible"

Love this Prajna! A wide, intricate net that caught me. So many nuggets.

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Hmmmm that makes me curious about you

Thank you for your good wishes, Rhaine

And for reading and for restocking

I appreciate you

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Rising from an unsettling, frightening time to where you are today is inspiring, Prajna…I am inspired by your strength and courage…and in awe of your beautiful writing! Thank you for the mention, sweet friend, but your way with words, turn of phrases, perfect details to pull us in…just wow! I am definitely not in your league as a gifted writer. May you find peace and joy on this trip and know that you have love and support from us here at home. Your mission to help others is the highest level of character… and that is you! 😊Much love and safe travels. Keep us updated! ❤️🤗🥰

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Aug 16·edited Aug 19Author

Dear Joan, Thank you for reading. This means so much to me and your kind words of recognition. Thank you so much and yes we are in the same league—family.

Thank you so much!

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I loved this, Prajna, and am halfway through this excellen interview, pausing just to thank you for your wisdom and generosity, and to say I love your questions. but the only quick answer I have is sometimes you have to leave so you can come back changed by the experience. And yes, there are as many ways to stay as there are to leave. More later, have a good safe trip and enjoy every mlnute. Now for the other half of this interview followed by a certain amount of thinking. I'm better at having thoughts than I am at thinking, but will give it a shot. love to you.

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Thank you Abby.

Yes, I know it is leaving that has allowed me to stay.

Thank you for reading, your kind words and good wishes!

I love you.

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Love this Prajna! Have a wonderful, full-of-discovery trip, and travel safely, bringing the love you share everywhere you go. xoxo

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Thank you so much for reading Nan. I appreciate you loads.

with love, P

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Aug 16Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Thanks for sharing such an interesting story, Love this 🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you Mr. Ma — I'm going to miss your old name. Thanks for reading.

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In awe of you and your writing! Off to listen to your interview now. The hardest thing to stay with is grief + fear. I want to fly right out of my body when they come up (and have, but now staying with it is the practice). The easiest thing to leave behind is the old me. The gift of both is I am no longer asleep to my own life and self. The sweet spot? Going with the flow (aka reality) and trusting that. Much love to you ♥️

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Thx Evelyn!

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Thank you for sharing tour story and your heart.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Cherise, Thank you so much for reading and making a comment. I am glad it touched your heart. All my best to you.

I saw you subscribed. Thank you Buffalo Womyn — I llok forward to getting to know you!

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The hardest thing to both keep and leave is the self-created chaos caused by wanting too much, work too hard to attain it. Better to rest, self-reflect, clean up after myself, THEN MOVE FORWARD quietly with amusement at self. And to realize the chaos is integral to creativity.

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Hello Kathleen, Thank you for reading.

I appreciate your response. I resonate with self-created chaos, for me once I see it, the dismantling and inward reflections begins. I've shortened self-discovery by not wanting too much but still seemingly working hard. I want to get better at resting, appreciating what is and loving the clean up. To move forward with amusement—stellar realization. Thank you!

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May you have the most wonderful time.

I look forward to the new stories.

The hardest thing to stay with? My damned self and all the feelings I have about this mistake, that year, and the other thing that seemed like a good idea at the time.

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Hi Mary, yes I understand that feelings can be so hard to move through but we do, often not alone.

A dose of strong overflowing kindness softens the hard.

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An interesting ....moving read. So much that is very different to my world experiences except I know I'm over leaving on order to see.

The hardest thing to stay with: aspects, parts of self that scream at me, to not reflect my past. Healing journey in progress.

The easiest thing to leave: my physical past, not revisiting places I no longer belong in, like my hometown.

I don't like going back to anywhere. I only like moving on, moving forward. Travel used to serve me, help me solve matters. Now, inner travel, to my core self is my favourite destination.

I love leaving to arrive there.

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Yes, Eileen the paradox

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Thank you for reading. Yes I agree not going back but in and forward fresh ways


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Prajna, you are a brilliant writer!! This is so full of wisdom & beauty, and quotes worth framing!! ✨♥️✨

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Awww Colleen thank you

Quotes worth framing

That is beautiful

Thank you

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Safe travels, Prajna! You are a strong, determined woman alchemist with plant 🌱 medicine and loving mom. 🩷 💖

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Thank you Nature for your kind words. I’m inspired.


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Safe travels, Prajna. Loved reading more about your background.

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Thank you so much for reading and your good wishes, Wendy!

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Hello Kahena

Thank you so much for your kind words and sharing your answers.

I am away in Europe with shotty internet

When I return I’ll respond more.

I look forward to connecting

Best wishes to you!

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