beautiful words, Prajna!

i like your prompt: "what helps me slow down is..."

here are my answers:

1. being near a tree

2. meditation

3. drawing

4. writing poetry

5. observing the world when i'm out in it (instead of my phone. this one is a challenge but i like it when i'm able to do it.)

6. watching my dog sleep

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I like how these words feel. More, please.

We need your brave, radical loving care in this patriarchy shift!

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Hello Christine, we are our growing in our strength and care, as Ka-Ma-La fiercely expresses, there is no going back.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

I do enjoy writing on this topic, I often enter it through side doors and never know where it is going.

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Do we need to know where we’re going? 😂 we’re flow AF

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Oh I love you

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I'm loving you, too!

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Aug 29Liked by Prajna O'Hara

It’s been four day’s since this amazing retreat ended and the profound shift of perception and deep abiding relaxation in my body is a sacred gift that Prajna O Hara has given to me. It is astonishing and mind blowing to witness Prajna move with such grace, softness, fierceness, intuitiveness, awareness and deep knowledge of the human body and condition that creates a sacred, divine mother womb were those attending her retreats can surrender, let go and fall to the ground in grief, sadness in exquisite pain. I say exquisite as to have the privilege of being supported and held and allowed to feel old repressed forgotten feeling and emotions is alchemy at its best.

Of course joy, fun and laughter and lots of dancing were par for the course which I really enjoyed, prajna has great taste in music.

Thanks a million Prajna , thank you for truly SEEING Me.

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Atreya, and for letting all of us see you!

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Dear Atreya,

Thank you so much for these beautiful words. I was so happy when I saw you were coming to Retreat.

It’s always an honor to participate in peoples freedom, even though it’s sometimes hard and slow to get there

I’m very impressed with your showing up, vulnerability, and amazing fortitude to stay with, feel, and come to the other side with dignity.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Wonder filled description of Retreat/Advance - As I paused to look at the title and saw "Never Stop Starting" I saw in the mirror, "Never Start Stopping" which means the same thing from another angle. Taking time to nourish and sustain Spirit and find essence in community. That's a gift. Thanks so much for sharing, P.

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Hello Gary, Nice to meet you.

Yes, nourish and sustain spirit or open for Spirit to sustain you - community is so powerful.

Thank you for reading and for your kind words.

I am traveling but took a quick look at your stack and will come back to it. I'm intrigued.

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The retreat sounds intriguing, where and when. In time.....

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Hi Gary, I was in England, the retreat took place in Devon area, a few more events around there, then I facilitated a worksop at a womens festival near kent, I'm home and reorienting. Thank you

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Welcome home, thanks for responding. Enjoy some good time for reflection and renewal. Be in touch later.

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Aug 28Liked by Prajna O'Hara

I’ve never been on a retreat but have always wanted to attend one. I bet yours are amazing!

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Hi Sandra

I hope you give yourself a retreat.

Thanks for reading

Yes, kind of epic.

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It must be absolutely amazing to be on a retreat with you. I see your gift for helping others heal themselves. Keep shining your light on things and people. Magic is everywhere. xoxo

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Thank you Nan.

I feel amazing to be on retreat and to support the precious tenderness of each person. It’s an honor always to join in community and to know we never need to do the hard things alone.

Yes, magic everywhere. I will have some good photos down the road. I'm in England for another week.

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Dear Prajna, what a privilege and honour to having been part of this retreat with you !

I went home with these three instructions emerging from deep within me :

slow down - feel - trust

Today I found myself in a difficult conversation, part of an old dynamic that I would normally feel deeply shaken by

Yet I was able to slow down and feel myself as I was feeling the other …. Without abandoning myself for one moment

The other didn’t like that I wasn’t bending and going apologetic … in fact there was no trace of guilt operating in me, just calm warm open clarity … that made me express slowly and clearly what was important for me

Yay!! This is a huge thing!!

A moment of celebration I wish to share here with you in this community , as you’ve been and ,very much, are a wonderful guide in this process. So much love and gratitude ❤️

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Yay! I love this Valerie,

Thank you for being here on Substack as we grow this kink community to do exactly as you said: "Not Abandon myself with apologies" It can be so easy to slip inot the old dynamic, we are building new soft muscles — I'm cheering you on.

And what a lucky person to be in conversation with you and this new way of being.

Much love,


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First of all, I love the title of this piece -- Never Stop Starting. It speaks to the cycle of second chances and reclaiming. As I read on, I found myself wishing that I had been there. Taking time to unplug from this too-fast, too-much world and remember one's truest essence, is nothing short of embracing the sacred. I can only imagine that you are a skilled, compassionate, and tender facilitator. Those are qualities that always show up in your writing. Being in the arms of nature with the intent of healing, recognition and renewal is a beautiful homage, a means of giving thanks for our precious life. Sending you so much love, Prajna. You are truly a bright light. As always, I love to read the writing of your heart.

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Thank you Stephanie

That was what I was hoping for with the title. We can always get up and go again in the importance of refueling.

Yes, unplugging. You never know maybe we will retreat together sometime.

Thank you for reading and for your kind words.💜

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I am struck by the metaphor of deliberately laying down one's sword. The text that follows seems like an expansion of the Serenity Prayer. Is active surrender approaching from love or curiosity? How do love and curiosity differ and overlap?

The retreat sounds interesting. I found myself longing for a limpia myself. How, I wonder, could I do a self-limpia? I am reminded of the self-clean cycle on my oven, but I don't think heating myself up inside sounds like a useful path for me.

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Mary, thank you for your comment.

We begin the limpia with choosing what we are laying down, no longer fighting against, being victim to or trying to exert power over. Then our curiosity is love to see the situation more clearly rather than through a lens from the past. A softening happens, curiosity and love grow — we become empowered to shift our standing from a place of love and curiosity, as I believe we they are of the same inner jewel in all of us.

A cleaning, curing, transformation happens more naturally.

We can do this on our own, of course, and to be witnessed is powerful, a strong way to embody the shift — the way we take responsibility for ourselves.

No, don't put yourself in the oven — nice metaphor though as the inside does heat up, activate feelings that have been blocked.

Thank you for reading and tuning in.

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Aug 28Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Very thoughtful.😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you, what did you find most thoughtful about it?

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