It is impossible to stop or even pause while reading this. Nor could I save any of it for later. Once you start, you're on a ride you can't possibly hop off. Just terrific, scary and bewildering anfd powerful, and a reader has absolute confidence that you know what you're talking about, and there' smore to come.

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Hello Abigail

Thank you for your amazing input, means a lot to me.

This is the essay I wrote instead of the one on Tobacco, which is coming, I promise.

I might have to present it in two parts



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Jul 23Liked by Prajna O'Hara

I couldn't agree more 👍👍👍

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Thank you Mr. Ma

I just referred somebody to you. I hope they look you up.

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Prajna your story is incredible and beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it. I won’t add too much, will only say that as a longtime mother of 3 and Registered Nurse, I only take my kids to the hospital when there has been a true emergency situation, which has thankfully not been too many times over the last 22 years.

There is a book called Why Hospitals Should Fly, which is about patient safety. It’s a model that many hospitals follow. It will never be perfect as long as there are humans involved , but it could always be better. It may be of interest to you.

Also - Yesterday we adopted a kitty named Dolly and we are big fans in our house. 💗

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Hello Kristin,

Thank you for your kind comment and connecting.

Yes I avoid all things western medicine at all costs.

All in my family, my twins and myself have extreme medical trauma and have discovered so many wonderful alternative to feel safe, whole and grateful to be alive, as I almost lost my twins due to interventions.

Thank you for the resource.

I am curious why it interests you if you do not follow that path?

Is it to help educate others and maybe improve thesystem?

That is a worthy endeavor but one I do not have energy for.

I share my experience and hope it raises many red flags and gives people permission to think for themselves, trust the intelligence in their bodies and do their homework.

I will soon post about my ten year anniversary for the second edition of my book, fully revised—Edge of Grace, Fierce Awakenings to Love.


I'd love to gift you with a free ebook before we launch. Let me know if You are interested.

I don't remember the code in this moment. LOL

It is one of those days wherre my helpers have been out - not well and I am a bit on my own. I really want to show up here.

Love to you and your family—new friend.

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Thank you and love back to you. Among many things-I am also a certified yoga teacher and avid enthusiast of its teachings. There is always a lot of breathwork, ice, massage, repositioning and deep breathing as part of any nursing care plan. Even in an ICU. Nursing was once a healing tradition passed down from generation to generation. I love my profession,—my colleagues and have found ways to reconcile my love in a way that feeds my family nicely in the very expensive state I live in. I advocate for listening and for change.This is a challenge even when you know how the system works. I don’t always comment on what I read here, but I always read to understand my patients. I have family members who are also patients and I never forget that even on days like today, when I feel ready to live off the land.

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Thank you for taking the time. Your people and family are very lucky to have someone with diverse training and education—and who communicates well as an advocate.

I taught yoga for years, it saved my life and still does. It's medicine for me. I'm glad your on the inside and surrounded on the outside and the inside with love and care.

Yes, off the land—a beautiful vision.

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Wow, what a traumatic event! So glad you have the tools to deal with the trauma.

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Thank you yes lots of trauma healing training and experience 💚💜💙

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Jul 6Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Fantastic post with so much wisdom! I have a yoga asana practice thst has helped me get in my body, connect my mind with my body, and create immense healing. Thanks for sharing. How's the leg these days?

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That’s another story

Good but I need to get the screws out!

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Jul 8Liked by Prajna O'Hara

Wowza - what a journey! Sending healing vibes 🙌

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Thank you!!!

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Beautiful essay, Prajna. I'm finally learning to inhabit my body. I'm feeling the messages coming through, that I was blind to, and trusting the wisdom contained within. Our bodies are teachers, if we pay attention. It seems you do, very much.

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Hi Nan

it is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world. Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it very much.



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