One of the greatest hurdles we women have to face (and overcome) is shame, especially around sexuality and erotic pleasure. I just wrote about shame (not in the context of sexuality, but in general) on my own channel; go have a peek and tell me what you think. Healed shame = dignity. It's worth the process.

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Absolutely. Healed shame equals dignity.

Thank you so much, Nancy

I am so glad you resonate with this. I actually already knew that.

Sending you love

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Soooo much to unpack here! I'm stunned. Will restack and start a conversation.

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Nancy, I love your words and that you resonate


Such depth and to connect more in this conservation!

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"...that sweet tender ache that doesn’t go away until our feminine energy is nourished and gives birth to beauty." Oh, Prajna -- this longing. This sense of divine discontent pierces my heart and constantly reminds me of a higher calling to make beauty.

Every morning, I light a candle on my desk, and whisper my prayer written decades before:

"I light the light of Divinity, of the One Power, the One Presence, the One love that is law -- that the qualities of this Divine may guide, light and inform my path this day."

I live a constant cycle of remembering and forgetting, of celebrating and weeping, making beauty and making messes, living in focus and living in chaos. The wild inner life is just as tangled as the brambles and vines that grow along the fence line.

Your words have the feeling tone of that now famous line from a Rumi poem: "Let the beauty we love, be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground."

Thank you for another thoughtful and evocative essay. Big hugs.

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Hi Karen

Wonderful to read this first thing in the morning

I really get the paradox that you speak about. What a beautiful ritual that you have.

Thank you so much for reading and getting me. I appreciate you.

Hugs back to you


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I meant @stephanie it was a late night! 🤣

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I do that with my girls all the time

I even call them Suki who is our former dog

Now we have Woody

On a clear day wide awake

Still happens


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Sometimes my mom would call my sister by my name and me, by my sister's name -- late nights can get to us all. Biggest of hugs.

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